I was born a middle-class American child. I grew up no where near the hood (not my fault). In fact, when I was a kid, my friends and I played on a golf course in the winter time, it made for great sledding! My father is a retired engineer with a penchant for long talks about politics and religion. My mother is just a sweet southern woman who has lived a terribly exciting life she has no idea was all that exciting! With three older brothers, and two younger sister I fall somewhere in obscurity. Doomed to be an actor (God help me), destined to stay in Country radio until I die (not that bad a death..at least I won’t be sober), and gifted with an intellect that has staggered more than a few of my imaginary friends! I was married once, but she left me about two years (best I can tell) before she let me in on it. My marriage is survived by three of the most beautiful children I have ever known, mainly cause they are mine.
I abhor tardyness, I never eat anything I cannot identify, and I never have a game plan. I have perfected the art of flying by the seat of my pants (drove my ex crazy). Sooner or later I rub everybody the wrong way, but I try not to leave too many enemies. Mostly I just try to love everybody the best I can. Often my friends feel a little neglected because I spread myself so thin, but the ones who are true friends know I love them, and don’t hold it against me. I do my best to keep the peace at all times, even if that means laying down and taking one for the team. I am not, however, fond of getting walked over. I appreciate the people in my life and what they do for me, and I like to be appreciated for what I do. Everyone likes a pat on the back for a job well done. I am an attention hound, so much I annoy myself sometimes! I made a name for myself in college as “the naked guy at the party”. I don’t do that anymore though. I realized the truth. At my age I would no longer be the cool naked guy, I would be “the creepy old naked guy on whom we should call the cops”. I am a giver, sometimes to a fault. I pride myself on my honesty and sincerity. My philosophy of life, when you step back and really look at it, can be summed up in one sentence. A quote form one of my favorite movies, “Jaws”–“You’re going to need a bigger boat”.
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